James Remeika
James Remeika
This exporter should have the option to expose response times as a histogram, rather than a simple average. The dataset to support this feature is already available in the [`upstreamZones....
One of the major limitations of hosting applications on Heroku is that Heroku Router has [no capability](https://www.viget.com/articles/heroku-cloudflare-the-right-way/) to whitelist IP addresses or do certificate pinning; instead, individual apps are responsible...
We are deploying Metabase with the Heroku add-on, and would like a way to integrate paper trail logging via the Heroku Papertrail Add-on. This add-on injects a single environment variable,...
# Checklist * [x] I have checked the [issues list](https://github.com/celery/celery/issues?q=is%3Aissue+label%3A%22Issue+Type%3A+Enhancement%22+-label%3A%22Category%3A+Documentation%22) for similar or identical enhancement to an existing feature. * [x] I have checked the [pull requests list](https://github.com/celery/celery/pulls?q=is%3Apr+label%3A%22Issue+Type%3A+Enhancement%22+-label%3A%22Category%3A+Documentation%22) for existing...