Relvis Gonzalez

Results 14 comments of Relvis Gonzalez

Looking at build.gradle file I see the jcenter() multipla times which is obsolete by now: ``` ... allprojects { repositories { google() jcenter() } beforeEvaluate { project -> if (rootProject.hasProperty("userDefinedGradleProperties"))...

I updated to `@nativescript/android` `8.2.0-alpha-9` and `@nativescript/core` `8.2.0-alpha.3` and worked! Looking at `build.gradle` file inside `platforms/android` I see that the file has been modified to use `mavenCentral()` instead of `jcenter()`,...

I get this error when I try to build for Android, looks like the plugin is trying to reach, see the image. Is it related to this plugin?

I am looking forward to use this feature, any updated? Thanks!

Hi @darind, by just creating a simple project using `tns create` command, it shows this errors: ``` 02-06 09:19:27.187 31538 31538 I zygote : at java.lang.Object com.tns.Runtime.callJSMethodNative(int, int, java.lang.String, int,...

I am having an issue when building for iOS 15 with version 2.2.2, this time with Pods: ``` ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: CompileC /Users/relvis/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/myapp-gvcwxfuwxztfbrcqvssncjqsokzh/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ /Users/relvis/Projects/RNProjects/myapp/node_modules/react-native-reanimated/ios/native/

Hi guys, I am having the same issue with `react-native-text-input-mask` plugin, but its the first time I will use `patch-package`. How can I fix the issue using `patch-package`? Thanks!

Hi there, in my case it failed cause of this: ``` Command `pod repo update` failed. └─ Cause: Couldn't install: EXLocation » UMTaskManagerInterface. Ensure the CocoaPod "UMTaskManagerInterface" is installed in...

> @Tadejo9 @matthops We are still in beta, [current latest (beta) version is `43.0.0-beta.4`]( > > @relez did you try what it said? (`npx pod-install`) If that doesn't work, it's...

Hi @tomylee001001, iosSettings should be assignable as a IosRegistrationOptions, thats why there is an error in TypeScript when you try to compile, the simplest example could something like this: ```...