
Results 25 comments of relativityboy

Something like this for card layout (does not include title bar, TOC or footer.)

@feruzm - Python 2 has been a drag on the Py community for years... maybe for simplicity and clarity, and a better developer experience we should encourage developers to use...

@feruzm - Cool. Can you update the results comment to reflect that?

consider multi-auth for part of this recipe.

Expl not just that you should use Ubuntu, but why. Even incl as block quote

Looked at pointing story. Came back with needs for creating good tutorial * easy boot aws instances for testing different combinations * solid understanding of implications of launching different plugins...

Blocked by above needs. Consider aws automation with Chef to get to *easy boot aws instances for testing different combinations* . Wondering if @jredbeard has thoughts about that. steemit/steem#2909, when...

This looks interesting.

# Collective Description - in progress

Moved out of in-progress due to bandwidth constraints.