
Results 11 comments of Reivaxy

Hi, Would printing the IP to the serial port do ? Here is what you could do: wifiSTAGotIpHandler = WiFi.onStationModeGotIP(onSTAGotIP); void onSTAGotIP (WiFiEventStationModeGotIP ipInfo) { ipOnHomeSsid = ipInfo.ip.toString(); Serial.printf("Got IP...

Well, you could do an ip scan :( Do you know its Mac address ?

Absolutely @gilmaimon, I have done a similar thing on After the master ESP8266 connects to my home SSID using DHCP, it POSTs its IP address to where I...

Sorry I was away for some time, I concur with @tsoek's comment, it's actually after putting laptop to sleep and moving between home and office that I have the issue....

This is happening to me all the time as well. I clicked 3 times in a row on the Upload and Monitor in one task. the first two builds were...

Yes it runs on Win 10 Pro Can you provide more context ? Are you using Arduino IDE, or Platformio, for instance?

Well, if you don't compile, you won't have the elf file... But if you don't compile, you don't run, and then you don't need EspExceptionDecoder

Also tested with frequencies 200 on pin1 and 400 Hz on pin2 and both pins show a 400 frequency. If I reverse and set 400 on 1 and 200 on...