Reid Main
Reid Main
Hi @zhigangfang. I'm not sure what you mean by "support CocoaPods". These templates are used by Xcode when a new project is created so out of the box you should...
Makes complete sense to me. I really just wanted to steer people away from using the "Always" option but it does feel like I should support everything EXCEPT for "Always".
I just downloaded the Xcode 11 GM seed 2 (11A420a) and converted the FBSnapshotTestCaseDemo project to use test plans. I didn't encounter any issues on an iPhone 8 simulator with...
Drat I am sorry to hear that. @ANGOmarcello, @amrox I had to ask this but if you clone this repository, open the FBSnapshotTestCaseDemo, run `pod install`, convert to test plans...
Much appreciated. We're committed to doing whatever we can to have iOSSnapshotTestCase work on the latest Xcode releases so please don't hesitate to post any of your findings.
> Maybe this will help? > > Please let me know if I can clarify anything. I'm going to keep hacking on it as well. This is really interesting...
There should not have been any changes that would cause a regression like this. Are you saying these snapshots worked correctly on a previous version of iOSSnapshotTestCase and 6.1.0? If...
@zeksa90 that is a different bug that is potentially fixed by and is in the v6.2.0 release. You can see with your difference image that it recorded at 3x...
@imaizume does v6.2.0 fix your issue?