The Regular Guy
The Regular Guy
Still down. Chrome throws a big Unsafe go back message. Wish this was fixed. Your connection is not fully secure This site uses an outdated security configuration, which may expose...
Are these really duplicates the oids all look different to me. Are you saying the text with in the oid is the same? I have not gotten duplicate alerts. I...
I fixed this by adding `.split('urn:oid:')[1],` on line 193 of the full line looks like `"id": properties.get("id", "null").split('urn:oid:')[1],` The URN (universal registered number) never changes for NWS and is... Here is the doc as well. I was going to open this issue but it already here..
I had some weirdness as well. I am on Proxmox and HAOS. I had an OS 11.1 and a Supervisor update notice. I clicked on the install 11.1. Gave an...
> I get a sensor that is "sensor.county". did you rename the sensor? from the header of the weatheralerts_1 yaml file. To use this package go to your Home Assistant...