
Results 28 issues of regstuff

Hi, I'm using Horapy, and everything works great. But how do I save an index to disk after building it, so that I can use it elsewhere or later? Tried...

Hello, My scenario is: I have a RTMP stream going to the RTMP server. I would like to add some additional destinations in the config file, while the livestream is...

**Describe the bug** Doing a proximity search with NEAR operator returns the correct results, but when highlighting with html_strip = retain, highlighting can fail because highlighter seems to be counting...


**Describe the bug** Consider the sentence: word2 something something word1 something word2 something word3 A search such as word1 NEAR/2 word2 NEAR/2 word3 will result in a match with the...


**Describe the bug** When searching for 3 terms using the NEAR operator, word1 is not highlighted if there are two instances of word2 that satisfy the proximity rule, but only...

**Describe the bug** A query in the form of: something -something2 -something3 gives an error: `{'error': 'query error: query is non-computable (node consists of NOT operators only)'}` something -(something2 something3)...


When there are several text fields (39 in my case), highlighting seems to break if a search term is found in the text fields declared towards the end of the...

**Describe the bug** I have an rt index in plain mode with 3 fulltext fields. When my search query includes terms that will match in more than one of those...

**Describe the bug** I'm using the Python api client. For some text searches, I get resp.hits as a Nonetype object as below. ``` {'aggregations': None, 'hits': None, 'profile': None, 'timed_out':...

Hi Using the latest version via pip install. Running this on Google Colab with python 3.7.13 Followed the Docs and created an index with the params `pynnindex = pynndescent.NNDescent(arr, metric="cosine",...