Lennart Regebro

Results 99 comments of Lennart Regebro

Right, and also cheaper netbooks etc. I'll keep this ticket open for a while, if this is a problem for more people I might introduce some sort of configuration setting...

It should be nothing. But It's doing three HTML5 transitions at once, that uses a lot of CPU, especially if your combination of browser, OS and videocards ends up not...

The transitions are set by impress.js directly on the slide divs, so they are hard to override. Just adding a "transition: none;" made no difference. Overriding the transform may make...

I tried that, but I couldn't get that to work, but I'm not a CSS guru. If you succeed, please report back. :-)

That works, although I don't find any improvements in time. Then again, on the computer I am on now, there should be no hick-ups or delays at all, and there...

There are indeed many obscure differences, especially in C-extensions, and there exists no exhaustive list of what those differences are, so I have made no attempt of trying to cover...

Thanks for this! I was surprised about this, and checked. And in fact, both works. The documentation only mentions cStringIO, though, which is strange. And there of course is just...

Nono, all good, this clearly needs updating, even if it isn't a bug. I'll leave it open as a reminder.

I like the idea of a plugin architecture, but so far you don't do anything but register the plugins, so you need to flesh this out a bit first before...