
Results 29 issues of refacktor

"concurrency" is a new setting in Lambda and it's not available in the plugin

In some complex projects with modules, it is sometimes more efficient to reference the code in a relative path that begins with **"../"**. This currently fails with an error about...

The IAMInstanceProfile generator outputs `- !GetAtt IAMRole.Arn` but this is incorrect. The role name is expected in this spot, not the ARN. It should be `- !Ref IAMRole`

Today I installed the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse in a fresh Eclipse 2020-06 instance. My project already contained a pre-existing and totally valid CloudFormation YAML template. Unfortunately, the plugin fails...

For example, the fix in commit 0ae787ae5b4d199cda001119ee8bdd9428f12b76: The parent commit throws an E275 in the github flake8 action. Running locally as part of commit or with `pre-commit run --all-files` does...

technical debt

As seen in issue #110 , there is a need for some wallet management functions, such as some combination of the following: - Create wallet with larger number of keys...


As the size of the Skepticoin blockchain has grown, the scalability bottlenecks have moved around to different parts of the code. `unspent_transaction_outs_by_hash` (UTObH) is currently one of the largest contributors...


This Draft PR is an initial proof of concept to demonstrate one possible architecture for a Skepticoin GUI. **Architecture:** The basic idea is to run an embedded HTTP Server in...

This error does not appear to prevent normal operation of the miner, but has been happening more and more frequently: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/ec2-user/venv/lib64/python3.8/site-packages/skepticoin-0.1.15.dev38+gf75d821-py3.8.egg/skepticoin/networking/", line 848,...

technical debt

This PR tracks my master branch and now contains multiple fixes and enhancements.