Reevanth Lama

Results 7 issues of Reevanth Lama

Would love to contribute to this feature request

type: feature or enhancement

fields.readOne throws an error saying 'List should use DirectusListResponse.'

help wanted
good first issue

The below line throws an error: "Problem with Directus" It should actually be converted to list like below `final mapData = => converter.toJson(item)).toList();` File download URL should return the whole download URL along with concatenated auth token of the current user

good first issue

Getting this error ⬇️ `type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'int?' in type cast` while uploading file via 'uploadFile' method but it successfully uploads but throws error while...

Something like this below `contentType: MediaType.parse(mime(file.path)!)` Hey, it would be great if I could also contribute to this repo.


Request for update for being able to be used with Global Variables