
Results 13 comments of reegeek

hi, A nuget package which fix this issue, is it available ? Regards.

the nuspec generate have some dependency to other pacakges which are not publishing: ```xml ``` so if you also publish all nupkg create in the repository everything should be working....

Hi, What is the status of this issue ? Is there a temporary solution ? Regards

I will made the test and maybe raising a PR.

Ok, if I understand well: If unit test framework changes, we must regenerate output files. How to know which config values should regenerate files ?

ok. If we add in "app.config" file and "specflow.json" file Inputs, I think it is solving the second point.

Hi, I add configuration files and plugins files in inputs. ```xml ``` @SabotageAndi I think it is enough.

Hi, Can you say more about your error ? Fody is a compile time dependency and not a runtime dependency. I am a little by surprise you cannot use already...

Hi, Where you think we can you native int ? Regards

hi, C#9 is still in preview stage. I prefer waiting a release candidate version. Regards