MAILNAME which is config.mailname set to a path and that file's value returned via util.c's hostname(). By the way, I was looking at master branch, but I am running DragonFly...
My workaround is: manually drag a non-fullscreen window to the other display and then right-click the image and choose Options -> Fullscreen.
This is with drill "develop" branch.
Thanks. I updated to f4549f4c823752a28bcc25347ce664de3105e9e6 with the screen attribute. It is an improvement but still broken for me in two ways: 1) xrandr --output eDP --primary --output HDMI-A-0 --left-of eDP...
Thanks. Now I am on e00ef8c976a6dae4aa3f0f5eb21b33f96d18b751 Using "Tray" without any attributes, my Tray begins on the screen 1 and not the primary screen. It is in the middle of the...