@hwu36 could you help with reviewing it?
> each containing only functions of a specific category that sounds great! I just mean, `event` is not special enough.
you mean 3.5?(since 3.4 have already released)
the dependency can be summarized as the following table: |File|Includes|Depends|Define|End includes| |-|-|-|-|-| |tensor.hpp|NA|NA|Tensor|gemm.hpp| |gemm.hpp|tensor.hpp/mma_atom.hpp|Tensor/MMA_Atom/ThrMMA|gemm func|NA| |mma_atom.hpp|tensor.hpp|Tensor|MMA_Atom/ThrMMA|NA| when we include tensor.hpp, after the preprocess, the code as: ``` Tensor; // include...
> @reed-lau It sounds like you would prefer Solution 2; is that right? yes.