Reece Como
Reece Como
The design choice here is addressing a _theoretical_ edge case, but probably not one experienced by any development team that actually uses Prisma. Instead what it does do is introduce...
Opinionated frameworks are great ...until the opinion is unpopular 😆 > But now with Prisma I'm introduced to a lot of headaches with BigInt fields ^This 100x
2024 and this issue is still open 😆
Open issue exists in the old plugin:
Likely related to scale factor here:
 inb4 update your code
I'm with you, it just seems like a forceful choice not very consistent with the rest of PIXI ethos.
Is it a relatively straightforward implementation? I'm trying to swap parents of a sprite, but I can't quite get the rotation and position to reapply (together) correctly. Is there some...
Yeah position is the easy one - I'm running into trouble when adding rotation into the mix. Scale and alpha also fairly straightforward to do (just calculate up to the...