Emilio López
Emilio López
- [ ] Don't join on thread destruction, kill it instead (or perhaps via a thread param option)
Add a directory watcher that can monitor a directory and accept callback
Currently we use crstl_assert everywhere to do a very strict validation. However many functions are safe without the validations, or we might want to turn it off for certain objects....
- [x] How to do rdtsc on Android - [ ] rdtsc and before/after barriers should be a template parameter; default to true, but optional - [ ] Add a...
To be able to declare bidirectional operators, not just the ones that take this as the first parameter, it's probably worth declaring these operators too. For example - [ ]...
Some compilers don't have this function. Also, for consistency with all compilers, we may want to reimplement it
We need sorting routines to replace EASTL's implementation. This needs some research and benchmarks to get a competitive one as a reasonable default
We will probably call it sorted_set to avoid any ambiguities
Hi, I've been using the Android integration in Premake for a while now for my projects. The Android integration creates what VS used to call a "Native Activity" and with...