Currently, all logs will be stored in the same log files as for the test goal, see #101 When this parameter is set to true, we will create log files...
Use cases - several executions in the same maven module - soapui project runned in several multi modules Currently, as we are in the same jvm, the log configuration is...
See #101 for use case and #98 for more information
Rationale: see #101 and #102
Currently, there are too much logs (expecially when creating the fake soapui home and downloading dependencies) With this parameter, we could keep the log console clean by defaut but also...
They are not needed so removing them will decrease the size of the generated data
It seems that path to the groovy scripts is not configured by setting a java System property but by setting directly the path in the generator. This needs to be...
Path to actions and listeners file can be set using the `soapuiProperties`parameter (see #81). [Documentation]( will be modified to explain this
Needed to set java system properties as for other goals. Note: already implemented but not exposed to end user