See #58
see #42 and #55
Same as for the test goal, see #42
Use same configuration as for the 'test goal'. See #14
Should act as the 'test goal' see #5 When implemented, update the [log documentation](
Currently, we rely on the SmartBear implementation for this goal. We need to provide our own implementation to be able to add features
As for SoapUITestCaseRunner, we will need to add features.
Missing rsyntaxtextarea, see Only missing in the OSS plugin, PRO seems ok. So our plugin should not have any issue
This is what is done in - SoapUI JUnit-Style HTML Reports (see - this blog post: (used for initial implementation of our junit collector, see #42) This is...
Will allow to skip verification in Jenkins as suggested in #72 We could also skip verification when the `maven.test.skip` java system property is set