Hi, Keepass and Passwordsafe could be a good start
Also if possible, full screen apps to be exempted.
Hi Sai Sandeep, Thanks for getting back. Sorry, I wasn't clear. I meant adding an option to the task to enable if it needs to be autostarted and not a...
Thanks for considering Sai Sandeep. I just want the task's last run output, this will be overwritten by task's next run. And also this option can be disabled by default...
Also don't think its a good idea to put the logs into config file. May be another log txt file with outputs as task name delimited? No rush, not so...
> **OS**: Windows7 with build 2.10.3 of Ten Hands. > > **Where**: Desktop App > > **Describe the bug** When run terminal window text is very narrow, only 2 characters...
Also if you maximise the window and un-maximise, the issue should be resolved.
I want Windows 10 notifications similar to the one in configuration file shown below. "showAppRunningTrayNotification": false, I would like a notification as soon as a task completes. For example "Project...
Hi Emilian, Thanks for prompt reply. I am on Windows 10 Pro 64bit insider build 20H1 19041.113 Regards Shyam ________________________________ From: Emilian Bold Sent: 05 March 2020 2:04 PM To:...
Hi @emilianbold, Trust you are safe and well in these troubled times. Just checking if openbeans is kicking and happening as there is no activity for a long time now.