We are trying to use a TURN server with out Linphone client on Windows & it seems only UDP can be used there. We use coturn as TURN server and...
I tend to follow the package structure as detailed [here](https://blog.ionelmc.ro/2014/05/25/python-packaging/#the-structure) . In short, the tests are outside the scope of package ``` Foo | - pyproject.toml - unittest.cfg - tox.ini...
We use pulledpork in an airgap environment which means we download the rules and make them available on the sensor using a separate mechanism. Pulledpork is then run using `-n`...
Version 1.13 (and also older ones in 1.1x series) process the gen-msg.map file on each restart and add all the entries listed there to the signature table even if those...
We have a custom Python script that is used to perform some calculations on elements on an index. During course of calculations, it is necessary to fetch list of timestamps...