Results 7 comments of redanium

Hi, I was facing the same problem. Browsing the source code, it shows that the developer made a function to handle the proxy, `func NewDownloader() *Downloader { return NewDownloaderWithTransport(&http.Transport{ Proxy:...

`final SmsSendStatusListener listener = (SendStatus status) { if (status == SendStatus.SENT) { print("SMS is sent!"); } else if (status == SendStatus.DELIVERED) { print("SMS livré."); } };`

If you check the android part , it's getting the default Subscription id `getDefaultSmsSubscriptionId`.

By checking the source code , I have noticed that this plugin handles only SENT and DELIVERED status but not the **network failure** or when **the balance is zero**

I managed to get SMS fail status when the balance is zero by modifying some files (valid for other failures). _**SmsMethodCallHandler.kt**_ ``` override fun onReceive(ctx: Context?, intent: Intent?) { if...

Sorry forgot to add `FAIL` to `SendStatus` enum _**constants.dart**_ ``` const SMS_FAIL = "smsFail"; enum SendStatus { SENT, DELIVERED, FAIL }; ```