@tailcode First, thanks a lot for your android client project. It's very useful in my scenario. By using your project, I have a problem in control. The controls such as...
Sorry, I may not make it clear. Actually I mean the logic data size from upper application, not the real packet in quic protocol. More specifically, I will pass 200K...
I exclude all my external logic and make a new pure test to observe how fast lsquic can write and read. Specifically, this is how I test: 1. Keep server...
Actually following your advice, I have read the code of `http_server` and `http_client` roughly. In my understanding, the part of stream reading & writing and event loop is similar to...
Thanks. I will make a performance test on my Android device and give you feedback tomorrow.
As you suggested, I made a performance test by `http_server` and `http_client`. Test environment is that two Android devices transfer 1G files through WiFi hotspot. The average transmission speed is...
1. The code version and options in `http_server` and `http_client` are exactly same as the origin. And android runtime is very similar to Linux. The only difference is I use...
For the more network characteristics, in our product, the most important factor we care about is the time-lag. Because we use QUIC to transport video stream. In our test, we...
@dtikhonov Thanks for your suggestions. I am still confused about why the assertion is OK when `echo_server` launched but only occurs when `echo_client` connects to `echo_server` on the Android platform....
I tried several ways to solve this problem. Now I resolved it by editting boringssl's source code and skip the verification. Everything works fine up to this point.