Another nice little addition to consider, thanks for remembering me. I'm closing some client work in a few weeks, that should make room for some hours to spend on Pomodori...
This is a neat idea (same problem here :) I access jira through a certificate, not login. Do you access through normal login? I'm thinking to integrate maybe a flag...
I'm sorry I can't reproduce this. It works just as expected here. Would it be a problem for you to screencast yourself when the bug happens? This is a free...
Hey, I was able to reproduce this I hope. After I reinstalled Pomodori on a new laptop I had a similar problem, including the fact I was not able to...
Yes, you can see here Inputs are queued into the queue straight way and n (`future`) workers are created that immediately start de-queueing. The following loop collects available results...
The gesture that becomes habit is for sure an important aspect of the PT. It's especially true for a physical pomodoro where you can't really do otherwise. I agree with...
Thanks for your help! I removed the half-baked xcode migration of pomodori and reverted what use to be the macruby-0.4 branch into master. So if you git clone the project...
As I said in the other issue MacRuby can't be embedded in Pomodori to have the binaries (macruby, macrake, macgem etc.) running from withing the Pomodori project folder. In order...
You should use macrake not rake (which comes from the standard Ruby install try 'which rake').