Reazul Hoque

Results 6 issues of Reazul Hoque

- [ ] Analyze the possibility and meaning of being able to call @dppy.kernel decorated functions from other @dppy.kernel, @njit, @vectorize decorated functions. - [ ] - [ ]...

The following program: ``` import dpctl import numpy as np import dpnp with dpctl.device_context("opencl:gpu:0"): a = dpnp.arange(1021, dtype=np.int64) ``` Produces the following error: ``` DPNP: Module NumPy found. Please load...

When we have dpnp installed in a Conda environment, how can we test the package?

The following program is resulting in error: dpctl: [fd63a3e2b15942e0b93f98e7dbbb14ae49e5a724]( dpnp: [43a4b538722b26ca00b0a475e44a4a5f8376267c]( ``` import dpctl import dpnp with dpctl.device_context("level0:gpu:0"): gpu_result = dpnp.random.random_sample(9) with dpctl.device_context("opencl:gpu:0"): gpu_result = dpnp.random.random_sample(9) ``` This is the...


The following reproducer provides incorrect result ``` import dpnp as inp import numpy a = numpy.array([[1, -2], [2, 5]]) ia = inp.array(a) result = inp.linalg.cholesky(ia) expected = numpy.linalg.cholesky(a) print(result, expected)...


The following reproducer segfaults with dpnp 0.4.0 ``` import numpy as np import dpnp size = 3 type = np.int32 a = np.ones((size, size), dtype=type) symm_orig = np.tril(a) + np.tril(a,...
