Hi you're welcome ! I'm using osx 11.5.1 and using the version 0.4.12 (218B) of goneovim. Yes the problem still remains in these binaries.
Sure, the key input is \ for the pipe character. `2021/08/28 22:35:30.211204 4754.414 key input: |, 76, 167772160`
Setting Macmeta to false didn't fix the issue (0.4.12), but it works with the release binary Goneovim-latest-macos-5.15.2 from https://github.com/akiyosi/goneovim/actions/runs/1178786575. Thank you !
Awesome! Thanks for your answer.
Got the same issue on master (9668dc77a0e9) when authenticating a user not omniauthable config.rb ``` ruby devise_for :admins, controllers: { sessions: 'admin/sessions' } mount_devise_token_auth_for 'User', at: 'users_auth' ``` GET: http://localhost:3000/admins/sign_in...
Yes it doesn't raise the wrong number of arguments issue, but I cannot access to the login page of the admin model
Great ! waiting for gplay release, thanks!
Someone has found what is causing this issue ?