Hi rkoopmans, sure. First of all, I don't think it changes the behaviour of the get_compressor. Because we have another issue: The compressor is only initialised when admin_init() is called...
I think some of the "infrastructure" could be useful for the clean-migration as well (ref So there could be an export with all the customers (assigned to their admins/resellers)...
> In regards of changing server ip-addresses, see I... kind of didn't want to "install" froxlor with traces of the old IPs, so I did it in the DB....
I only found this nice software recently (shame on me, I know), but did encounter these crashes as well. So I'd strongly lean towards "bug in Fall Guys".
Yes, but that is a FG problem and completely unrelated to the tracker since I have the same problems, but even without the tracker running.
Are you using Wi-Fi? Try wired connection. I can't quite proof it but I feel like it has to do with your ping to the server. Or with the consistency...