Harry Chan

Results 41 comments of Harry Chan

Here's the error: * core-js/library/fn/get-iterator in ./node_modules/vue-draggable-nested-tree/dist/vue-draggable-nested-tree.es.js * core-js/library/fn/object/assign in ./node_modules/vue-draggable-nested-tree/dist/vue-draggable-nested-tree.es.js * core-js/library/fn/object/define-property in ./node_modules/vue-draggable-nested-tree/dist/vue-draggable-nested-tree.es.js * core-js/library/fn/object/keys in ./node_modules/vue-draggable-nested-tree/dist/vue-draggable-nested-tree.es.js * core-js/modules/es6.array.find in ./node_modules/vue-draggable-nested-tree/dist/vue-draggable-nested-tree.es.js * core-js/modules/es6.function.name in ./node_modules/vue-draggable-nested-tree/dist/vue-draggable-nested-tree.es.js * core-js/modules/es6.number.constructor in...

The latest Kryo is 5.0.0-RC2. Possible to update the results again? There are lots of big changes in the latest release as well.

Would removing ASM slow performance down? Would be good to add a jackson alternative such as dsljson since that's been 1 of the bottlenecks in techempower benchmarks :) Maybe other...

> Yea, nothing stop us from using dsljson today. Due it requires an annotation processor, dsljson has a reflection option, which is still quite a bit faster. > but is...

> Found undertow super fast (faster than netty) Depends. Netty has more features like OpenSSL support. There's a lot of options that can be turned on. Out of the box...

> Do you have an example of API versioning? @Version(1) -- so via annotations on methods / classes and option to set it as either via header, request parameter, or...

How does the current metrics work? It's only for the web server? Or does it tie in with hibernate, hikari etc?

It's not using a bundler but can't this already be achieved with the fetch / axios backend? Or does it work differently?

Would be good to integrate with Hibernate Validator (and the validation api in general) since it's often used in REST APIs too.

Yes, you can see the reference article that mentions this in the mentioned issue #846 --> https://shipilev.net/blog/2016/arrays-wisdom-ancients/#_conclusion