
Results 5 comments of rob Looks like even when regular games are live the links arent populating on their API anymore

Don't forget theres that can give your portfolios and positions/holdings from all the brokerages. No ability to trade through that but it's still another tool i think is relevant

> Exo Player The BEst ExoPlayer is only for android, if this is running on a webapp or windows/desktop app you cant use exoplayer.

+1 here on that @etienne-martin

Connecting to (||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 2024-03-14 15:13:18 ERROR 404: Not Found. ERROR: Failed to download to /root/.cursor-server/bin/56becd74fc3058ee97a0b2496d8ae7ad2c2fcb10-1710443218-1710443598.tar.gz i get this error...