Rafael Dourado
Rafael Dourado
Got this issue on Mac OS Mojave. Uninstalling/reinstalling did not work. Here is the content of my extensions folder: ``` ashiqkiron.gutensnip-1.0.5 dawhite.mustache-1.1.1 dbaeumer.vscode-eslint-1.8.0 digitalbrainstem.javascript-ejs-support-0.4.1 dotjoshjohnson.xml-2.4.0 editorconfig.editorconfig-0.13.0 esbenp.prettier-vscode-1.8.1 espresso3389.insert-file-0.0.2 fabiospampinato.vscode-optimize-images-1.1.0 glen-84.sass-lint-1.0.4...
This is not fixed yet, right?
I fixed like this, but I don't know if it's a good solution: ``` options.on 'scroll', -> trigger.addClass 'open' options.addClass 'open' sel.focus() ```
+1 The button isn't clickable at first, but you can reach it by pressing tab key until get there.
These solutions won't work on a computer managed by a company, where security settings cannot be bypassed using `spctl`. I wish this app could be signed so I can continue...
I have another “hack” suggestion that worked for me. In my case, I'm using [@svgr/webpack](https://react-svgr.com/docs/webpack/) to import the SVG files, and it looks like its default template protects SVG children...