I use mirrors for ORM, JSON serialization, documentation.. Reflection is a really big thing and should be a core part of Dart. Also it should be able to use in...
@mit-mit Is there any news about this topic?
Hi! Since this topic has opened and my opinion here, i learned golang and became very fond of it. And yes, reflection is something that really facilitates our daily lives....
So, inspecting further, the package PUB_CACHE is searching for the pub cache folder in the "\AppData\Roaming\Pub\Cache" location. However, in my setup the folder is "\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache"... As I understand of the...
Found a more permanent solution, (windows user btw). Create an ambient variable called "PUB_CACHE" with the value "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Pub\Cache" or the folder that the pub cache is in. The reason that...
Hi @sdxv ! I'm glad it worked! I think this is an issue specific from the pub_cache package. It is related to the way they search for the pub folder...
Is there news on this? Dart is already 2.9.1...
"RangeError: Invalid value: Not in range 0..1114111, inclusive: -1" When connecting to postgresql 12
> Well I'm going from error to error. Can you be more specific about the system requirements for your framework to work as it should? Thanks. I'm getting the same...