Masahiko Sakakibara

Results 16 issues of Masahiko Sakakibara

Released @angular-eslint@14🎉 And add `@angular-eslint/schematics` for `ng update` command.

You can try: ``` % npm install @capacitor-community/stripe@next ```

We have created documentation to make the plugin easier to use: English Documentation: Japanese Documentation: Please let us know what applications you use this plugin for so that...

help wanted

By using `next` tag, This plugin can try to test on Capacitor 4. ``` % npm install @capacitor-community/http@next ``` However, this update was done automatically by `@rdlabo/capacitor-plugin-to-v4 ` ,and...

Add global settings method. This can call anywhere. close

By using next tag, This plugin can try to test on Capacitor 4. ``` % npm install @capacitor-community/camera-preview@next ``` However, this update was done automatically by @rdlabo/capacitor-plugin-to-v4 ,and has...

I think `ionic g pg` command should page module to current router. Now, all page module registered to `src/app/app-routing.module.ts` . For example: in tabs template, `$ ionic g pg tab1/sample`...

**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll...

### Prerequisites - [X] I have read the [Contributing Guidelines]( - [X] I agree to follow the [Code of Conduct]( - [X] I have searched for [existing issues]( that already...

package: core
type: bug