Russell Dinnage
Russell Dinnage
I am interested in some of the functionality of torch.autograd.functional ( in Pytorch for R (especially `jvp()` and `jacobian()`). Is there plans for adding this functionality to R `torch`? I...
This is a system requirement for an upcoming package I'm writing, so I thought I'd contribute an entry.
Ever since I updated `torch` to the latest version, I have not been able to save any `torch` object using the default serialization method. I have instead had to fall...
Support the `emmeans` package for estimating marginal means from `communityPGLMM` objects. There is a vignette for developers here: On first glance this shouldn't be too difficult?
@daijiang I notice that testing is currently handled by travis ci (and the current build seems to be failing?). I think most packages these days use github actions instead. I...
A PSV/PSE/PSC/etc version that can handle really big phylogenies. In the past I have tried to calculate PSV on a phylogeny with several hundred thousand tips, but R will give...
We removed `ppmlasso` when it got kicked from CRAN (#197). It looks like it is back up and updated now (, so should probably look into getting it back into...
Add options to `enmtools.ppmlasso` to do more of the advanced features of `ppmlasso`, such as point interaction models, which allows occurrence points to 'interact', e.g. attract or repulse each other...
I noticed that if a user passes in a formula like this `presence ~ 0 + bio1` or `presence ~ bio1 -1`, the formula recasting (`f
I discovered a cool new SDM method. Using a cox process model in the r-inla package (; see Chapter 4). r-inla uses integrated nested laplace approximation to fit a Bayesian...