Russell Dinnage
Russell Dinnage
Hi @Flaiba. I've now made a patch which I think should fix your issue. To try it just install the development version of `phyr` from github using `remotes::install_github("daijiang/phyr")`. Please let...
Hmm.. I'm not surprised the zero inflated model didn't work with `DHARMa`, but the binomial one definitely should work. I'll look into that and get back to you. I will...
In the mean-time, you may want to look into the `emmeans::qdrg()` function (, and see if you can manually extract the useful quantities from the `communityPGLMM` object.
Hi @jenmunoz . Unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to look into getting the zero-inflated model working with DHARMa, but it would definitely be good to get this functionality....
Thank you for the example and the additional investigation of the bug. Much appreciated. I will try and get to a fix as soon as I can.
I don't think the `/` syntax is supported in `phyr` (am I right on that @daijiang ?), but `(1|time/species)` is equivalent to `(1|time) + (1|time:species)`. An interaction in the grouping...
How big a model are we talking here? What's the dimensions of the final suitability raster? Also what version of ggplot2 do you have installed? I'm going to do some...
Hi Tony, As Daijiang mentioned, only binary coding works at the moment. It's on my to do list to add successes and trials coding. Should be pretty easy to do...
I've made a pull request where I have added this functionality, which you can try once it has been merged. You have to add the number of trials as a...
Hi Tony, Thanks! I am glad you like the bayes version. I can't take too much credit however, I just figured out how to specify the model in INLA, which...