Ricardo A. Corredor
Ricardo A. Corredor
Hi again. @N-Dekker, @mstaring maybe you guys have ideas regarding this? I also tried what @Chayan010 indicated in the previous post (also here more details: https://groups.google.com/g/elastix-imageregistration/c/0_36mGQrPv8) I tested in my...
@mstaring Thanks again for your answer. Could you provide us some indications of that seed set in the executable and not in the library? I can understand the effects of...
Hi @N-Dekker, I found that you had a long thread with the ITK people a bit related to this topic (https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITK/pull/970, not exactly but touching part of this code). Would...
Dear @mstaring and Elastix-ers, We have a sort of related question to this thread. When we run elastix from C++, we get the transformation parameters with a high precision number,...
I managed to make it work in a similar way as in the pydra-fsl repo (https://github.com/nipype/pydra-fsl) by creating a class that inherits from ShellCommandTask and defining customized input and output...
Hi @AhmedFaisal95, I still have troubles to make it work properly. In general, I manage to create a workflow with two instances of the `ShellCommandTask` running in parallel, both tasks...