Robert Codd-Downey
Robert Codd-Downey
My Installation on a Mac Pro with dual AMD Fire Pro D500's pass end-to-end test. However unit test using py.test -v renders ============================================================================ ERRORS ============================================================================= _______________________________________________________________________ ERROR collecting _______________________________________________________________________ /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/_pytest/
Im using the Fly Sky FS-i6x with receiver. After the IBusBM library is initialized the cnt_rec value stays at zero until the controller is turned on and all switches are...
I have setup odas_ros using and the sound source localization from the topic /odas/ssl seems to be correct. Is there anyway to configure odas_ros to output [audio_utils/AudioFrame] messages from one...
I have an OpenIMU300RI and am trying to set the baud_rate to 460800 and the message type to "e1" via the openimu CLI tool, however these are not listed as...