
Results 4 comments of rco-ableton

I forgot to update the table of contents again! 🙈 Fixed in https://github.com/minamijoyo/tfmigrate/pull/173/commits/37c7e1525b7bcbecb4c0e83fb4ef4a60956fee3e.

Hi @minamijoyo! Apologies for the small delay in replying to you. I'm far from an Azure expert, but your proposed interface changes make sense to me, and I've pushed some...

> (1) The access_key attribute works, but the environment variable ARM_ACCESS_KEY is not. Ah, my mistake, I completely overlooked this suggestion in your original comment. Fixed in https://github.com/minamijoyo/tfmigrate/pull/173/commits/92a2f0ae429d192d51cf6ea9c616e0979c116afe. > (2)...

After some investigation I was able to get Azurite up and running, and have updated `docker-compose.yml` and `test.yml` to boot it and create a test storage container using the Azure...