Ryan Clark

Results 61 comments of Ryan Clark

GeoNetwork and ESRI Geoportal both utilize lucene for indexing if I'm not mistaken. I think CouchDB has validity as its own backend for pycsw, but maybe not so much for...

Sounds good. It could follow a similar pattern to how we handle [optional `finish` scripts](https://github.com/mapbox/dynamodb-migrator/blob/46f34af725ce7f5bfeb566d0c89624924a2df6d0/index.js#L87).

Hmm. What about the interaction between lambda invocation time & alarm periods? It seems that this could open the door to a scheduled lambda function misconfigured in such a way...

> Also wanna call out there are quite a few gotchas that stem from async lambdas ... makes writing a cloudwatch alarm def that is more nuanced than "alarm on...

I think this'd be meaningful. AWS doesn't have a direct alarm --> lambda pathway yet?

[CloudWatch API reference docs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/APIReference/API_PutMetricAlarm.html) confirm that you can only use certain services as alarm actions, and lambda isn't included. So yeah, you need to stick an SNS topic in between...

> ignoring TopicName or ExistingTopicArn if FifoQueue: true We'd be trading this off for > ignoring TopicName or ExistingTopicArn if CreateSnsTopic: true Right? I wonder if what we really need...

> If QueueName is provided, create a new queue and subscribe the topic to it (create FIFO topic if a FIFO queue) Meant `TopicName` I think? If so, I think...

:+1: I'd just run out a check that everything works as intended before merging. All the Lambda walkthroughs I've read tell you to assign `logs:*` on resource `*` (which is...

Yes, that documentation is incomplete, because when I make a commit, the hook issues this error: > ERROR! **You must have secret-shield installed and configured globally** to commit to this...