- Ensure data scientists and model authors can run the model & visualizations without the use of CLI - Identify interaction enablers/platform for Jupyter notebook based interactions - Define user...
- Explore use of dask / joblib or other libraries - Identify parameters to decide which library to use - Integrate into model code
- Identify ways to improve performance of mcmc process without impacting the rest of the code - Evaluate parallel mcmc strategies
- Create an E2E test with parameters/output approved by Penn - Include this test in ci/cd workflow to surface unexpected results from model changes
- Remove classes that aggregate multiple parameters/functions. This makes code hard to follow for model authors - Take the larger functions and split them into smaller functions - Ensure a...
- Preserve and carefully evolve the SEIR model created by Penn - Enable other organizations/applications to build different apps without impacting Penn - Limit refactoring of library to original authors...