@cclauss This occurs across all version and types regardless of node/python versions sporadically. Here is a log for Node 19 & Python 3.8.5 on Windows. ``` 03:35:25 gyp info ok...
Another one here for windows and supported versions. This occurred today. ``` 06:05:52 Now using node v18.14.0 (64-bit) 06:06:04 gyp info it worked if it ends with ok 06:06:04 gyp...
It is most consistent on Windows and Windows is probably the main pain point. The last few logs I've linked are all x64 so not specifically ARM either. Last night...
I too experienced significant amounts of failures today when it came to downloading the node headers for Linux builds. ``` 07:52:21 gyp ERR! stack Error: 500 response downloading https://nodejs.org/download/release/v8.17.0/node-v8.17.0-headers.tar.gz 07:52:21...
It really does seem like there's simply an issue with the nodejs website and serving these files. I'm unsure if fixing this even lies within the scope of node-gyp beyond...
@elFarto > Is it possible for you to run whatever app is producing the `failed with unknown libva error` with `NVD_LOG=1` set? Sorry about the delay, kept forgetting to answer...