Ryan Fox

Results 11 comments of Ryan Fox

(I should point out that I have no authority on this project, I'm just a random guy commenting on someone else's repo.) After sleeping on this, it seems like it...

Actually, it would probably be better to store choices as a list of (key, value) pairs. That way duplicate list items won't be lost, and you avoid the weirdness of...

Does it work if you run it with the environment variable `PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8`?

Definitely, this isn't a proper solution, just the easiest way of tracking down the issue. It is strange though because utf8 should be the default for Python 3. Do you...

Looks like `getchar()` might be preventing the return of ESC_KEY. https://github.com/Mckinsey666/bullet/blob/master/bullet/utils.py#L35

Seems extremely heavy to call it a solution to #2. But it's a good way to work with python versions that aren't offered by your package manager. (I think Ubuntu...

So I'm not sure the benchmark reflects actual usage. The `_p2t_edge_list` being defined on the Point class seems to make a big difference. Do you think most people use the...

Actually, it would probably make more sense to accept a point factory with a default one if none is given.

The only GC issue I saw was that Edge objects were being tacked on to my application's Point objects, which live for a long time. For me, the SweepContext has...