Thanks @Joibel for your swift reply. About **Vault interop**, I do confirm that adding approle support to vault-replacer is ok. About **overlays**, you highlighted what's wrong in my case :...
Dear @websi96, I do face a similar issue with alpine/helm:3.7.1 ... I would really appreciate your inputs about the reason why I cannot use the global values in any other...
With alpine/helm:3.10.2, lint error is fixed **but is not updated** from values.yaml in parent chart or from --set parameter value in command line. It keeps mongodb child chart default...
Thank you so much for your help @websi96 I would say that your little demo does behave the same wrong way as mine ... please type the command line `helm...
This command line does update the value but this is not what I am willing to do ... `global.SourceChart.SourceValues.source` should inherit from `SourceChart.SourceValues.source `thanks to dependencies import-values mechanism. `helm template...
Good morning @websi96 do you experience the same behavior when customizing `SourceChart.SourceValues.source` value either by the means of --values or --set options ? Thx.
As a consequence, I would say that Helm does not support sharing child variable value between all child charts linked to same parent. Or at least, I did not find...
Dear @cospeedster, I have a similar backgroud `I would like to scan container images without running docker cli` mainly to avoid DinD in Gitlab pipelines environment. I managed it thanks...
I guess the reason why you do not get the expected code is because you did not check `fail_build` key in your default watch policies. [Here are some details](