Few questions about npm-run-all support for `--sequential ` and `--parallel `. Does the npm-run-all support running the command with --sequential and --parallel at the same time? ``` npm-run-all --sequential jobA...
Template: ``` This is just a basic template example ``` Job Options: ``` options: { partialRegex: /^/, processPartialName: function (filePath) { return filePath.replace(/^.*?templates\/(partials\/)?(.*?)\.(hbs|html)$/i, '$2'); }, amd: function amd(hbsFileName, ast) {...
Have not seen any code changes in the past 2 or more years, is this project being actively maintained?
So is there any intention to revisit the standing on [Iterators and Generators](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#iterators-and-generators)? I'm mostly instrested specifically in revisiting the advice given in [11.2 Don’t use generators for now.](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript#generators--nope) Reason...
It has been a few years since #3319 was labeled as "wont fix". Is there any reconsideration to actual add the ability pass the cache object type to `memoize` rather...
Request: - As a Dev, I would like the ability to add event handlers for specific events dynamically after time of connection, so that I can have other events add...