Ricky Brundritt

Results 15 issues of Ricky Brundritt

OpenGL ES is deprecated in iOS 12, in favor of Metal which is pretty significant. Copying over issue from Mapbox GL native: https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/issues/12061

PR is more than welcomed

When appending an URL to another URL as a parameter, it is normal to encode the second URL to ensure that it doesn't get mistaken as part of the first...

## Motivation I've come across a lot of different tile layer sources over the years which tend to have multiple areas of coverage (multiple bounding boxes). A great example of...

Tried copying one of the dist files and noticed that they point back to the lib folder. You end up needing all the files.

Being that this uses a bunch of Azure services, would make sense for this sample to also use Azure Maps instead of Bing Maps.

Have you considered using WebView2 for better support across platforms? I've created a similar project that used Chromium for WPF/WinForm and WebView for UWP. I'm planning to update my code...

I suspect this doesn't support polygon extrusions. Any idea how to make that work? It looks like you convert the data to GeoJSON, perhaps the custom styling part of this...

Looks like this is using Bing Maps. Given that this project promotes Azure services, consider using Azure Maps instead. Azure Maps also supports Azure AD or can use basic key...

**mapbox-gl-js version**: v1.9.0 **browser**: Chrome ### Steps to Trigger Behavior 1. Create a GeoJSON point feature that has sub-properties of properties (f.properties.subProperty) 2. Create a circle layer with an expression...

bug :lady_beetle:
needs investigation :mag:

This implementation does not access the Bing Maps tiles in away that aligns with the terms of use of the Bing Maps platform. Your application must call the Bing Maps...