Rodrigo Botafogo

Results 12 issues of Rodrigo Botafogo

May I suggest that you also use the critbit gem and add words to critbit? In this way you can also do search by prefix.

Hello, I know I have seen the documentation on how to access foreign objects from R, for instance, how to access a Ruby object from R. I remember something like...

In 19.0, when trying to gKnit the manual.Rmd file in the development branch of Galaaz I get the error bellow. This error does not appear on RC16. To reproduce, in...

The following code in Galaaz get "should not reach here" message: ```ruby require 'galaaz' R.library 'tidyverse' # read data file @financas = R.read_csv2('finance.csv', locale: R.locale(date_names: "br", decimal_mark: ",", grouping_mark: "."))...


I'm running the following code from Ruby, in RC14 ('rlang' and 'purrr') have already been loaded: Polyglot.eval("R",


The following code: x = list(a = (1:10), beta = exp(-3:3), logic = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) quant = lapply(x, quantile) print(quant) has this output in fastR: $a 0% 25,00000%...

Are there any plans to allow multiple threads in fastR? When doing polyglot programming, Ruby and R for instance, we need to set the --single_thread flag. This is quite limiting...


I have the following code: mpg = Polyglot.eval("R", [1] TRUE Thanks!


I´m on Windows 32 with Cygwin. Trying to run ruby-maven does not work and gives the message: "cannot load org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher". Maven is properly installed in my machine and doing mvn...

Need to go through all the code and look for places where Java exceptions are raised and catch then, raising ruby exceptions in place.