Rob Cavanaugh
Rob Cavanaugh
Apologies, I have been looking through past issues and working through .tex files but I don't know enough about LaTeX to resolve this on my own. I recently upgraded R...
**Describe the bug** group_by(factor) %>% report() returns summary statistics by grouping factor. However, when converted to a table using as indicated in the documentation, only one level of the...
report() works for stats::cor.test() but not correlation::cor_test() (and correlation::correlation)
**Describe the bug** I'm not sure if report() is intended to work with the correlation::cor_test() and correlation::correlation() but since they are very nice improvements on the stats::cor.test() function it would...
Reprex: ``` mod = brm(mpg ~ 0 + Intercept + cyl + disp + hp, data = mtcars, backend = "cmdstan", refresh = 0) Warning message: Model has no intercept....
Hi thanks for putting together this package. I was wondering if it was possible (or perhaps intended) to use the f7Segment() function as a segmented control ( From one of...
Hi - I'm hoping to use bs_accordion() in a shiny app I'm developing but I'm inclined to use bs4 or bs5. Is there a way to use bs_accordion() with bs4...
Hi - thanks for a great template. Is it possible to change the order of the content on the page (and the corresponding menu items?) Also - Are the 'plus...
Do not use this form to ask a question, or ask for assistance. Instead, ask on using the gtsummary tag. Questions about a function's use will be closed without a...
If I have the following in my function roxygen2 documentation ``` #' Creates a temporary table from a local data frame or tibble #' #' `r lifecycle::badge('experimental')` ``` I get...
Hi - I am so thankful for this resource. A minor suggestion, which is to change the gitcreds::gitcreds_set() code in chapter 9 so that it can actually be copied straight...