Not just low level toons, seems to be happening on all of them.
So far so good, thanks!
[EDIT: Noticed that the errors reference plug-ins (ChartViewer (mine); EncounterDetails (Britt's)) - might be a factor?] To add a bit to this, I've also been getting a similar error (below;...
Disabling Details_ChartViewer on an affected toon resolves the issue so for me it seems to be an interaction between that plugin and the main addon causing the issue.
Looks like my profile broke but unsure if the issue caused the profile to break or if the profile broke first and caused the error. Seems like everything has reset...
Sorry, there were some other errors that look like they happened at the same time that I didn't notice, I'll post each in a separate box.
1x Details/classes/class_utility.lua:2369: attempt to index local 'container1' (a nil value) [string "@Details/classes/class_utility.lua"]:2369: in function [string "@Details/classes/class_utility.lua"]:2417: in function `r_onlyrefresh_shadow' [string "@Details/core/meta.lua"]:218: in function `RestoreMetatables' [string "@Details/functions/loaddata.lua"]:198: in function `CombatSegments' [string...
1x Details/classes/class_instance.lua:1160: attempt to get length of field 'tabela_instancias' (a nil value) [string "@Details/classes/class_instance.lua"]:1160: in function `GetNumInstancesAmount' [string "@Details/startup.lua"]:110: in function `StartMeUp' [string "@Details/core/parser.lua"]:6007: in function Locals: self = {...
1x Details_ChartViewer/frames.lua:98: attempt to call method 'GetCombatUID' (a nil value) [string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/fw.lua"]:4471: in function `Dispatch' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua"]:400: in function `Select' [string "@Details/Libs/DF/dropdown.lua"]:1199: in function [string...
Ok... I saw the update, I won't post any more of the errors on the assumption they're fixed, there are a couple of others.