Hi all, @makis @fsimonis Recently, I did try to recompile solids4Foam with the updated version of nextRelease branch without the eigen library. (export S4F_NO_USE_EIGEN=1 && ./Allwmake) Subsequently, I try to...
Hi @philipcardiff Yes, I am sure that I have performed Allwclean before recompiling solids4Foam. I have even tried to delete the solids4Foam folder and then git clone a new one....
@MakisH What is the eigen version and compiler used?
Hi @MakisH @fsimonis @philipcardiff I was trying to run the fluid-open foam case and the solid-open foam or solid-solids4Foam case together. I was able to run the fluid-open foam case...
HI @MakisH Sorry for the confusion. The scenario where the cases are run in parallel on the fluid and solid side is working now. :) I not sure why there...
Dear all, I am trying to do a fluid fluid coupling involving an interFoam solver on the left and right domain respectively( See attached picture). The case presented here is...
I am attaching the pictures here again. The first two are the velocity field. The third is the alpha field and the last one is the prgh field ![Screenshot 2022-08-16...
@MakisH HI Makis, we have identified the issue as something related to the outlet boundary of the left domain. Subsequently, we were able to get the simulation running and obtain...