Raymond Feng

Results 33 comments of Raymond Feng

I use `@typescript-eslint/parser`. See https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next/blob/renovate/major-typescript-eslint-monorepo/packages/eslint-config/eslintrc.js#L16

@lo1tuma Do you recommend we open an issue against `@typescript-eslint/parser`?

I was able to leverage Prisma in my project with LoopBack. In my case, I discovered a Postgresql database to generate schemas and strongly-typed client code. I also created repositories...

@achrinza I would love to see your progress. It seems that Prisma and LoopBack can meet in the middle to leverage the best of breeds: - Prisma provides DB access...

@achrinza `no-inferrable-types` is already enforced to avoid something like `const x : string = 'abc';`.

I'm not a big fan to have a very long decorator. It would be better to add an optional argument for the sugar decorators to accept additional information, such as:...

@Embraceeeee Can you try the following? ```ts @get('/todos-fail') async findFail( @param.filter(Todo) filter?: Filter, ): Promise { return this.todoFailRepository.find(filter, undefined); } ```

What's the motivation to remove `assert`? For front-end compatibility?

@fenixsolorzano We do support SOAP Web Service today but in a weakly typed style. See https://loopback.io/doc/en/lb4/Calling-other-APIs-and-web-services.html#datasource-for-soap-web-service and https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-next/tree/master/examples/soap-calculator.

@marioestradarosa Thank you for stepping up. Here is what I have in mind: 1. We can mimic the flow of `lb4 openapi --client` - Allow both `url` to the wsdl/xsd...