
Results 29 issues of rayj00

I have a stable version running, but have only tested using tabs in the browser. I would like to test using live users. Any suggestions how to do this? BTW,...

So if the broadcaster switches camera from front to back, do the viewers see the new stream or is there more development needed?

Anyone else run into this: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://localhost:9001/socket.io/?userid=152c4qzg1dmjg1y8igw…imitPerUser=1&extra=%7B%7D&EIO=3&transport=polling&t=N8vEBNE. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). If I use connection.socketURL =...

Scenario Scaleable Broadcasting using Chrome: Broadcaster, Viewer1, Viewer2, Viewer3. All viewers are seeing broadcast. Viewer1 leaves (close tab). Viewer2 and Viewer3 lose video. Anyone else see this error?

I am running RTCMulticonnection v.3.7.0 Has anyone got the password protection to work? Thanks, Ray

Is it possible to implement messaging with the Scalable Broadcasting? One to many broadcasting is somewhat limited unless you can see some real time comments from viewers. Scalable Broadcasting is...

Muaz does not include versioning inside his code for some reason. How do I know what is v3 RTCMulticonnection? Thanks, Ray

Muaz, I see there has not been any updates to you codes for 9 months! Are you still working on RTCMulticonnect? What is your status with RTCMulticonnect? I would like...

I am trying to upload a blob(webm) file to the server but no matter what I use from Muaz's code examples, it won't work. I am confused on how the...

Can this code be used for live streaming webrtc? What changes would I need to make? Thanks, Ray