but is there a firmata vertion with at least basic master to slave SPI support? what is the fastest way to be able to use digipots with Pure Data or...
but is there implementation for digipots like the AD5206 or the MCP41100?
hello the problem i have is that without at least some basic implementation of spi in firmata i cannot set up and control the digipots or DACs from WITHIN PD....
tried to load extended firmata but i gives me errors i upgraded the arduino ide to 1.6.9 but it doesn't fix it errors like serial1, 2, 3 are not declare...
ok, i tried in a due and now i have a: fatal error SoftwareSerial
i took the: #include SoftwareSerial.h out of the code and it did go through. i don't know if this will affect functionality in any way? and where is the information...
in pd, you send a pinout definition message to enable the boards pins example, input,output,pwm,servo, spi??? . . . and then sending or receiving data based on this initial configuration...
thanks 4 all d help soundanalogous. the thing is that i cannot find anywhere the commands i need to enable the spi functionality. i tried finding some clues from the...
Same here, i have already tried all python versions from 3.10.6 to 3.11.0 and all i have is FRUSTRATION. Here are my errors: C:\StableDifusion\stable-diffusion-webui>pause Press any key to continue ....
I have the exact same problem as you greenMario. And i have tried in different machines and they all give the same end result. some with windows 10 updated all...