Ray Bun
Ray Bun
> I had the same problem on 20.04. To reproduce: > > 1. I ran `curl -L https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel/archive/v0.3.10.tar.gz | tar -xz --strip-components=1` in home directory > 2. When I realized...
Same issue here, try catch did do the trick
did you get it working?
I've also noticed that the domains format is in an incorrect format: Domains: 666bd7740fe61bb6c6b1.https://xx.xxx.com/ Build log: Docker Error: 59689d0f5d1c48fe2181496b3bcce3259b32ad1f22b0fcaa5ff39c571fb17084 docker: Error response from daemon: network runtimes not found. /usr/src/code/src/Executor/Executor.php:97 #0...
Same for python Docker Error: 17c805b82649f5289b67a27f391a7d84c38279ffc99102cce0a4a6b16b16c054 docker: Error response from daemon: network runtimes not found. /usr/src/code/src/Executor/Executor.php:97 #0 /usr/src/code/src/Appwrite/Platform/Workers/Builds.php(407): Executor\Executor->createRuntime('666c3dabe8be94d...', '666bd5d1001ecab...', '/storage/functi...', 'openruntimes/py...', 'v3', true, 'src/main.py', '/storage/builds...', Array, 'tar -zxf /tmp/c...')...
> Just noticed this as well on python > > ``` > Docker Error: bb1e166b7612d622029e4d8f762bd941b5d41f87cb191e17c495ef88195d611e > > WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is...
Are you able to get the function url working ?
> I have look into the function url. You need to add the function url into the list of domains in the Coolify service. > > So when you have...